Are you stuck at the Crossroads? 

Are there various roads on your path,
but THEY all seem very daunting? 

Or maybe you feel that you
have no choice in WHAT'S HAPPENING?  

perhaps, YOU'RE Feeling stuck like Sisyphus.
rolling up that boulder we call life
only to have it roll back down the hill?

When we face these moments in life;
often, All we need is a guide to support us. 

I asked the questions above because I've been there and I know how it feels!

At times, I have felt almost stuck with the choices in front of me.  I have felt bound down by factors I felt I had no control over.  I've even had moments where I have felt absolutely weak and unable to gather the strength to move forward.   

But what I've learned is feeling stuck or overwhelmed doesn't make us weak. No No No.

When we are at a point in our lives where we are feeling these feelings, that is usually the catalyst we need to help us find our own strength. These are the moments where we are able to realize our own power. Where we can make a new choice and move forward on our path.  

But, we need to learn to be open and willing to trust the process and sometimes we need to ask for help with that process.

Hello There. My name is Rev. Lane J Renovato...

I began walking my own spiritual path over 10 years ago. My journey began when I met and allowed in, the right people that helped me to start to view the world through a different lens. They helped me to see the beauty of the world and blissful stillness that life has to offer.  

As my path unfolded, I began to study and work with various spiritual tools and healing modalities and it became clear I wanted to be someone who helped support others as they find their way along their own path.

This is why I do what I do - I want to support you, so you can find that strength, that strength to choose the next step on your journey. I am here to listen without making any judgement and hold compassion for you. I am not here to tell you which way to go, but, I am here to remind you to move forward. It is through my readings or through my healings that I can help you to remember you who you are. And the remind you of power that you have!

Here are some of the services I offer and
the tools/modalities I call on to support you:

  • Tarot and Oracle Cards
  • Interfaith Ministry/Spiritual Advisor
  • Runes & Bone Readings
  • Three different types of Reiki; Kundalini Reiki, Holy Fire Karuna Reiki, and Usui Reiki
  • Intuitive and Psychic Gifts
  • Therapeutic Aromatherapy

    To learn more about me, my journey

    and my official experience and certifications,
    visit my About Page.


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