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I’ll tell you how the story starts.
Not by a pull to read a certain book, or a crazy dream, although those could have been beginnings to different stories.
This story begins on a day, and to be honest, I don’t even remember the month or day it happened.
I know the year; 2011.
My friend and I were eating lunch at one of our favorite pizza places at the time. We started sharing different books with each other on different spiritual topics; Astrology, Magic--But, this time she brought this Tarot Deck she had. We looked through the imagery and she decided to pull cards for me, we used the book and the reading was pretty accurate.
She was the first person I read cards for.
I placed the cards in the spread and I read her cards. But something happened when I was reading the cards. I looked and I picked up a book of symbols that we had and I was adding symbolism to the cards. The reading felt intuitive and I felt confident in the messages I was sharing with her. To be honest, it felt like something inside me took over. After the reading she told me I how good it was and my answer was a nonchalant...
This “yeah” is the beginning of the story.
At the time, I was confident of only a few things in my life, and Tarot was one of them. All of a sudden, it felt as if Tarot was the tool for connecting the pieces of a puzzle.
This was the beginning of my Journey.
I bought my first deck, which I still occasionally use to this day, in December of 2012.
I gave away readings to anyone who would have one over the next year or two and the more readings I did, the more confident about my readings I felt.
While I was going through University for a Sociology Degree with a Religious Studies Minor, I took a deep dive into my spiritual journey. As part of my path, I not only read Tarot, but I started learning Runes and how to do Stone Readings in 2015 after meeting with a friend who shared these techniques with me. I began doing readings for fundraiser's for my college club; PLACES (Pagan Living and Collaborative Educational Society) and in 2016, I graduated Umass Dartmouth.
As I continued to walk my spiritual path, I realized that I had one desire/goal I wanted to pursue. I wanted to learn Reiki, so I could also do healing work. During the pandemic I became a Kundalini Reiki Master after studying with a good friend Athena. But this wasn't the end of my Reiki journey. I also studied and became certified in Traditional Usui Reiki and Holy Fire Karuna Reiki with Rev. Jessica Kozak Shaw in 2021.
I never would have thought that saying “Sure” to my friend that day would to lead me to where I am today. In February of 2021, I was invited to become a healer and reader at The Soul Purpose. I simply said yes without thinking. A powerful yes that had echoes of that time when I said yes to my friend and discovered the gifts of the Tarot. And today, I am a professional healer and intuitive reader.
I am committed to consistently moving forward on my journey and on May 1st, 2022, I became an Interfaith Ordained Minister under the Universal Brotherhood Movement. Becoming a Minister has been an unexpected, yet important part of my journey and I am currently a Minister and the Assistant Spiritual Director at the Birch Tree Sanctuary at The Soul Purpose in Swansea, MA. That journey led me to become part of the amazing family of healers at the Soul Purpose in Swansea, MA.
Now in 2022, I am continuing my energy healing studies in the year-long Energy Medicine program with Jessica Kozak Shaw at The Soul Purpose in order to expand my Energy Healing knowledge and serve my clients at the deepest level possible.
I am forever thankful at where my journey has lead me. The friends that I have met along the way, and the teachers who have shared their wisdom with me.
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