Rev. Lane J. Renovato

The Road I Must Travel
A Reflection on the Past Year.

“So I sang to myself
That I want to be free
But the road I must travel
Its end I cannot see”- Tom Morello

In the ever-unfolding journey of life, there are moments that leave a crucial mark. Like a turning point in a road that propels us forward into the unknown. This is what is so great about a psychic reading. We see ourselves in the middle of the crossroads, in need of a guide.

Last year, such a moment occurred and that Guide helped me.

Last year, my friend Toni Keniston was doing a reading for me.The reading was exceptional. My friend explored my North Node, conducted a card reading, and ventured into a mediumship session. While the entire reading was enlightening, there was one statement that resonated deeply within me:

"You are casting your line in a bucket when you should be casting it into the ocean."

This phrase struck me with a force I couldn't quite comprehend during my trip to Salem. I was in the middle of a journey, and the impact of those words was profound. I came to realize that I had been playing it safe in various aspects of my life, even with my creative pursuits and the launch of my email list. I was confining myself to a narrow circle, limiting my potential for growth and connection.

But sometimes the universe whispers in your ear, nudging you to step beyond your comfort zone. This call to action led me to psychic fairs, something I had been yearning to explore even before the onset of the pandemic. My path eventually led me to The Soul Purpose, a place that felt like a second home. Yet, despite the love I hold for this space, I recognized that it was my "bucket." I needed to break free and explore the vast ocean beyond its walls.

The best thing about home is you can leave, expand and grow on your own, and the home will still be there.

Almost miraculously, I found myself at my first psychic fair in Taunton that same month. It was a fantastic event, but what truly enriched my life were the friends I made that day—friends I cherish dearly. I had the time of my life, and that's when I caught the bug. I finally recognized what my "ocean" was: the desire to do more, to expand my horizons.

So I started saying "yes" to opportunities as they presented themselves. I participated in a two-day psychic fair at a Rave, a Holistic Fair at a Church, a psychic fair in Westport, and even in the Rhode Island Pagan Pride festival and the Witches Night Out Market in Providence— places I have longed to be a part of. I was even invited to do readings at other holistic places like Saltitude! These experiences were exhilarating but also intimidating.

Reflecting on my journey, I realized that my life had often been about taking the comfortable route, even when it led to unhappiness. From my quiet teenage years to my adulthood, I had been drawn to the safety of routine. Even working in a restaurant for over a decade, I clung to what was familiar, even if it meant enduring misery.

However, as John A. Shedd wisely noted, "A ship in a harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for." Choosing The Soul Purpose was one of my first decisions that pushed me out of my comfort zone. The very act of building this website and embarking on this journey was a departure from the familiar.

Then choosing to do these fairs, it became my Tower moment of my comfort zone. Sudden shifting and shaking. And I to this day, despite desires to retreat and be back in that comfort zone, never regret a single fair. And with all my heart to those who have met me at these fairs: thank you for witnessing my light.
There are still moments of nervousness and anxiety. But those words from that fateful reading remained etched in my mind: "Cast your line into the ocean."
So why am I sharing this? It's not to boast about my incredible past year, but to serve as a reminder to all of us. We need to keep aiming for the horizon, to keep moving forward, and to keep casting our lines into the ocean.

I want to remind you that we may not see our full potential and we might not even know where we're headed. But the journey is what truly matters, not the destination.

So, wayward travelers who shine in the darkness, you don't belong there. I understand your hesitations, and I see you. I hope this story inspires you to cast your line into the vast ocean of possibilities, to embrace the journey ahead. The road we must travel is one of growth, courage, and endless possibilities.

I hope to see you shining and embracing your potential.

Blessed Be on your Journey.
And remember, “When you are stuck in the Crossroads, all you need is a guide.”

Rev. Lane J Renovato
Your Guide at the Crossroads

About the Author Rev. Lane J. Renovato

Hello There. My name is Rev. Lane J Renovato...

I began walking my own spiritual path over 10 years ago. My journey began when I met and allowed in, the right people that helped me to start to view the world through a different lens. They helped me to see the beauty of the world and blissful stillness that life has to offer.

As my path unfolded, I began to study and work with various spiritual tools and healing modalities and it became clear I wanted to be someone who helped support others as they find their way along their own path.

This is why I do what I do - I want to support you, so you can find that strength, that strength to choose the next step on your journey. I am here to listen without making any judgement and hold compassion for you. I am not here to tell you which way to go, but, I am here to remind you to move forward. It is through my readings or through my healings that I can help you to remember you who you are. And the remind you of power that you have!

CLICK HERE to learn more about my services or to schedule a session.

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Lane has been reading Tarot for over 10 years. Cartomancy or Card Reading is a form of divination that uses special decks of cards to seek wisdom and guidance. Within these cards, Lane will be able to see where your life’s journey is heading and give you advice along your travels.